Provinces of diplomatically annexed vassals, integrated personal union partners, and newly created colonial nations get full cores if the annexed nation had a full core there.Fully cored state provinces contribute fully to the nation and retain their cores even if conquered.The administrative points used to create the full core are not refunded. Revoking the status of a state (back to a territory) converts all of the country's full cores in the area into territorial cores.Local autonomy is reduced instantaneously to the underlying 'true' autonomy (if it's lower than the previous minimum), which may be 0%. This second coring phase is instantaneous. To fully core state provinces requires paying the remaining 50% coring costs.Lose their territorial cores if they are conquered and have to be re-cored if the provinces are re-conquered.Provinces in states but with only territorial cores:.Once all the owned provinces in an area have territorial cores, it is possible to turn the territory into a state (from the province interface, above the buildings section).There are a number of other differences between states and territories, as detailed in the graph below.This makes it advantageous to turn territories into states, provided you have enough governing capacity. Provinces in states with full cores have 0% minimum local autonomy.

The newly cored provinces gain territorial cores and remove the overextension penalty caused by the province. Coring provinces in a territory have reduced coring costs due to the Is territory modifier which applies −50% Core-creation cost (coring duration is not affected).Provinces without a core (except colonies) cause overextension regardless of whether they are in a territory or a state.A newly conquered province is considered as part of a territory (unless it already belongs to one of the nation's existing states).The following points provide a detailed summary of the system: Please help with verifying or updating this section.